Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

0 Cerita pendek cinta terlarang cinta segitiga

 Cerpen Cinta Terlarang : Antara 3 Cinta

Di suatu sore disebuah rumah makan yang terletak dipusat kota Jakarta, terlihat Riska sedang duduk menyantap makanannya. Tanpa disadarinya terlihat juga sepasang mata memperhatikannya dari sebuah kursi yang tak jauh dari tempat duduknya.

’’eh Reza,disini juga.’’ Sapa Riska saat tersadar ada Reza didekatnya.

‘’iya, boleh aku duduk disitu?’’ jawab Reza.

‘’kenapa tidak…’’ sahut Riska.

Mereka pun mengobrol dan terciptalah keakraban diantara mereka,padahal selama 2 tahun ini mereka satu sekolahan,tapi mereka jarang sekali bertegur sapa, dan entah kenapa hari itu Reza dan Riska terlihat akrab.

‘’besok weekend ya.. kamu ada planing kemana?” Tanya Reza.

“gak ada rencana sih mau kemana. Ya paling jalan sama teman-teman” jawab Riska

Obrolan itu terhenti saat reza menerima telepon, dan dia pamit untuk pulang lebih dulu karena mendapat panggilan untuk menjemput adiknya. Selepas Reza pergi tinggallah Riska duduk sendiri lagi.

“ bosen ah, mendingan aku online dech.”gumam Riska sambil membuka akun facebooknya.

Riska meng-update status yang bertuliskan lirik sebuah lagu yang baru saja didengarnya.

“bodohnya diriku selalu menunggumu yang tak pernah untuk bisa mencintai aku.”

Beberapa saat setelah menulis status itu,mampir sebuah pemberitahuan bahwa Sisil, sahabat dekat Riska mengomentari statusnya.

“siapa sih ka? Kayaknya lagi mendam rasa ‘ma seseorang ya,, cerita dong..”

Rischa memang tidak pernah menceritakan kepada siapapun bahwa selama ini dia sedang menyimpan rasa pada seseorang. Hanya diari mungilnya yang menjadi saksi bisu gundah gulana hatinya. Dia berusaha mengelak dari pertanyaan Sisil.

“gak kok,itu cuma lirik lagu aja…” jawab Riska.

Memang sudah lama Riska memperhatikan Vino,teman satu sekolahannya, namun tak ada keberanian untuk mengatakannya. Mereka hanya bisa mengobrol seperti teman biasa, dan Riska risih jika harus berhadapan dengan Vino,karena dia harus menutupi rasa gugupnya.


“hai Vin,,ujan-ujan gini mau pulang?” Tanya Riska saat bertemu Vino di parkiran sekolah.

“nunggu ujan sih lama, ujan kayak gini biasanya awet loh..” sahut Vino ramah.

“oh,ya udah..hati-hati ya,,,” pesan Riska.

Senyum mengembang di bibirnya karena baru saja berpapasan dengan pujaan hati tercinta. Sesampainya dirumah,Riska masih saja teringat wajah Vino tadi,tiba-tiba dering handphone membuyarkan lamunannya. Satu pesan dari Rian, teman satu sekolahannya.

“hai Ka..lag ngapain? udah makan belum?” begitulah isi sms tersebut.

“ngapain lagi Rian nhi sms,,gak kapok-kapok juga apa.” Batin Riska kesal.

Begitulah Rian, selalu membuat Riska risih dengan sikapnya. Selalu sms gak jelas,gak penting pula. Kalau mereka ketemu, pati selalu saja ada kejahilan yang dibuat Rian kepada Riska. Riska sering dibuat kesal dengan sikap Rian terhadapnya yang dia sendiri tidak tahu apa maksud dan tujuan dari Rian bersikap seperti itu.

“mending aku mikirin Vino. Andai saja Vino yang sms. Aminnnnn,,”gumam riska.

Lagi-lagi Riska meng-update status facebok-nya yang bernada sedih.

“oh mungkin aku bermimpi menginginkan dirimu….” Begitulah lirik lagu yang menjadi status facebooknya.

“aduh..ngapain sih mikirin Vino lagi,gak bisa berhenti bentar aja kenapa. Kalau bisa jangan berharap lebih deh sama dia,,lupain aja perasaan ini. Lagian dia juga gak bakalan tau perassan aku kalau aku gak ngasih tau ke dia,kalau aku cuma diem aja. Lagian ternyata susah juga nyimpan rasa ini sendirian.” Batin Riska berbicara sendiri.

Besoknya dia memutuskan untuk menceritakan tentang perasaan gundah gulananya selama ini dengan Deva, sahabatnya.

“udahlah Ka,ngapain sih ngarepin yang gak pasti. Toh, dia kan juga gak tau. Angggap aja kamu itu cuma mengagumi.” Saran Deva.

“ya niatnya sih emang mau ngelupain dia, tapi kan kita satu sekolah. Tiap hari ketemu, gimana caranya ngelupain? Mana tiap ketemu dia,aku jadi lupa sama niatku buat ngelupain dia.”

“waduh,,kenapa jadi aku yang bingung ya? Gini aja, kamu jangan maksain buat ngelupain dia, jalanin aja dulu..siapa tahu lama-lama dia bakalan nangkap sinyal-sinyal kamu dan bakalan tahu perasaan kamu ke dia. Kamu berdo’a aja.”

“eh tapi Va, gue juga ngerasa sinyal-sinyal dari dia. Kadang nih ya,aku sering ngeliatin dia.. eh kadang aku sering ketemu mata sama dia.’

“jangan-jangan tanpa kamu tahu,dia juga sering ngeliatin kamu.”

“hmm…..semoga aja, jadi aku gak galau lagi, ya gak?”

‘amiinn..aku do’ain aja deh.”


Pagi yang cerah membuka semangat baru bagi Riska untuk memulai aktivitasnya di sekolah. Lagi-lagi Riska bertemu Rian di koridor sekolah dan Rian lagi-lagi mencoba menggodanya. Dengan sengaja dia menarik tangan Riska hingga Riska tersungkur ke tubuh Rian.

“ih.kamu gak bisa diem apa. Sehari aja gak jahil bisa gak?’ serang Riska garang.

Rian pun hanya membalas dengan senyuman. Dan itu membuat Riska bertambah kesal.

“aduh Va, Rian tuh gak bisa berheti gangguin orang. Tiap malem aja pasti ada sms dari dia,yang isinya tuh gak penting banget.” Cerita Riska kepada Deva.

“wah jangan-jangan dia naksir kamu ka” goda Deva.

“ waduh..aku mohon dengan sangat,,jangan sampai itu terjadi. Aku kan pengennya deketin Vino.kenapa jadi temennya yang kecantol.”

Deva hanya tertawa melihat wajah sahabatnya itu yang sedang gusar.


Malam ini Riska merenung sambil mendengarkan lagu favoritnya. Sementara matanya tak beralih dari langit yang berhiaskan bintang berkilauan. Sesekali matanya memandang foto Vino yang kemarin dia curi dari handphone temannya.

“Vin,kapan kamu bisa ngerti perasaan aku,kapan kamu bisa tau? Aku capek mendam rasa ini sendirian Vin.kapan kamu tahu,aku disini nunggu kamu Vin.” Gumam riska.

Untuk menghibur dirinya,dia membuka akun facebook-nya dan ada satu pesan yang ternyata dari Reza dan isinya cukup mengagetkan Riska.

“ ka..i love you.” Riska membaca pesan itu berulang kali.

Besoknya Riska langsung menceritakan itu kepada Deva.

“waduh ka,jangan-jangan Reza……” Deva menggantungkan kalimatnya.

“jangan-jangan apa Va..” Tanya Riska.

“ Ya…jangan dong Va, kemarin Rian,sekarang Reza, coba aja Vino,pasti aku tanggapin dengan senang hati.” Riska mengerti maksud kalimat Deva setelah sesaat berfikir.

“ ya udah deh..aku tahu cintanya Cuma buat Vino seorang, yang lain bisanya ngarep aja deh.” Kata Deva sambil tersenyum.


Rasa suka yang dialami Riska terus hadir walaupun dia telah mencoba untuk mengabaikan rasa itu. Tiba-tiba datang Deva mengusik ketenangannya yang sedang merenung.

“ hey, Riska Vino.” Kaget Deva.

“ apaan sih, Riska aja, bukan Riska Vino.”

“bentar lagi juga bakalan jadi Riska Vino” goda Deva.

“Amiinn Ya Allah…..” harap riska.

“eh, kamu tahu gak,aku denger kemarin Vino jalan sama adek kelas kita, si Yessi itu lho.”adu Deva.

“ya terserah dia lah. Aku juga gak akan terlalu berharap banyak sama dia.” Sahut Riska sedikit kecewa.

“loh,tadi baru bilang aminn, sekarang udah gitu lagi.” Goda Deva lagi.


Entah kenapa rasa itu perlahan hilang, namun tetap saja sisa-sisa cinta itu masih tertinggal dihati Riska. Suatu saat ketika dia sedang duduk bersama temannya, terlihat Vino dan Rico,teman sekelas Riska sedang ngobrol dan kelihatannya percakapannya serius. Rico pun meninggalkan Vino dan duduk di bangku dekat Riska sambil menggerutu.

“tuh anak bikin kesel aja. Apa sih maunya.” Geram rico.

Riska hanya bisa heran melihat sikap Rico. Tiba-tiba datang lagi Vino menuju kearah Rico. Riska mulai melihat sinyal-sinyal negatif dari wajah Vino.

“wah,dari tampangnya,kayaknya bakal ada perang nih. Gawat, aku harus cegah.” Gumam Riska.

Saat Vino lewat didepannya.

“Vino..jangan,kalian apa-apaan sih.” Cegat Riska.

“aku juga gak tau ka,kayaknya aku gak ngerasa punya salah sama dia,tapi dia ngajak ribut kayaknya.” Jelas Vino berhenti sebentar,lalu meneruskan jalannya ke arah Rico.

Riska hanya bisa melihat mereka dari tempat duduknya.

“loe gak ngehargain cewek Vin,loe gak ngerti perasaan mereka.” Sergah Rico tiba-tiba.

“maksud loe apa?kok ngebahas cewek?”Tanya Vino tak mengerti.

“loe tahu,selama ini diam-diam ada seseorang yang ngarepin loe,nunggu loe. Loe gak tau kan?”


“loe pikirin aja sendiri.kira-kira siapa orang itu.”

Vino hanya bisa heran dan tampak bingung mendengar perkataan Rico. Dia bertanya-tanya dalam hati,siapa yang dimaksud Rico tadi.


Riska tiduran dikamarnya sambil mendengar mp3 di handphonenya.

“ Tuhan,kenapa sat aku mencintai seseorang. Dia tidak bisa membaca apa yang kurasakan. Namun disaat ada seseorang yang membuka hatinya untukku,aku malah tidak bisa merasakan cintanya. Kenapa aku gak bisa dicintai oleh orang yang juga aku cintai.” Gumam Riska.

Dering handphone membuyarkan lamunannya.

“apa mungkin aku hanya bisa berharap tanpa bisa memilikinya.” Riska membaca sms yang ternyata datang dari Rico.

“maksudnya?” Riska bertanya-tanya sendiri.

Otak Riska mulai berimajinasi. Selama ini sikap Rico memang baik dengannya dan mereka cukup akrab.

“ah,tapi gak mungkin. Sikap dia kan cuma sebatas teman aja,gak lebih kok.” Riska menepis pikiran itu.


Sementara itu, Vino masih kepikiran dengan ucapan Rico. Dia masih mencari-cari siapa yang diam-diam menunggunya selama ini.

“udah tahu orangnya?” Tanya Rico saat mereka berpapasan di kantin sekolah.

“belum.siapa sih” Tanya Vino.

“yakin mau tahu” Tanya Rico lagi.

“cepetan lah Co,gue penasaran nih.”

“Adelia Priska.alias Riska.”

“gak mungkin Co. loe tau darimana?” Tanya Vino,tidak yakin dengan ucapan Rico.

“gue denger dari mulut dia sendiri saat dia sedang curhat dengan Deva dikelas. Gue gak sengaja denger.sekarang loe tahu kan,dan gue harap loe bisa dewasa nentuin sikap.jangan biarkan dia nunggu loe terus dengan harapan-harapan kosong yang bakal nyakitin dia.” Jelas rico.

“maksudnya?” Vino bertambah bingung.

Pertanyaan itu diabaikan Rico,dan dia berlalu pergi meninggalkan Vino. Akhirnya Vino memutuskan untuk menanyakan sendiri dengan Riska.

“ ka, bener apa yang dibilang Rico kalau selama ini loe diam-diam merhatiin gue?”

Riska pun kaget membaca isi sms yang datang dari Vino tersebut. Dia pun bingung harus menjawab apa, lalu diabaikannya sms Vino.

Besoknya di sekolah, kebetulan Riska berpapasan dengan Vino dan Vino langsung memanfaatkan kesempatan itu.

“ Ka, kenapa semalem kamu gak jawab pertanyaan aku? Bener apa yang dibilang Rico?” sergah Vino.

Tak sengaja Rico lewat dan Vino langsung mencegat Rico.

“ co, jelasin apa yang loe bilang sama gue kemaren?”

“loe tahu darimna Co?” Tanya Riska.

“gue gak sengaja denger curhat loe sama Deva waktu itu.”

“trus kenapa loe bilang semuanya sama Vino.” Tanya Riska lagi,dan Rico pun terdiam.

“ jawab co, kenapa?”

“sampai kapan loe mampu mendam rasa ini sendirian ka. Gue gak mau liat loe sedih karena cinta loe gak pernah dibalas. Bahkan Vino mungkin gak akan tahu kalau gue gak bilang langsung sama dia...” Jelas Rico

“tapi Rico…”

“ gue Cuma mau liat loe seneng Ka.” Potong Rico.

Riska terdiam dan dia menatap Rico.

“maksud loe?” Tanya Riska lagi sambil menatap Rico.

“loe ingat sms gue dulu ke loe. Itu isi hati gue Ka.” Riska teringat sms Rico waktu itu, dan dia menarik nafas perlahan sambil menundukkan kepala.

”karena gue ingin loe bahagia,jadi gue bilang semuanya sama Vino Ka.’ Lanjut Rico lagi.

“Rico…terus gimana…”

“gue gak apa-apa Ka. Asal loe bahagia.” Rico memotong kalimat Riska.

Riska diam dan mengalihkan pandangannya ke arah Vino.

“ Vin.itu semua benar. Tapi itu dulu,dan sekarang gue udah gak ngarepin balasan dari loe lagi. Lagian gue juga gak mau maksa loe buat nerima gue. Karena gue tahu, loe gak akan bisa mencintai gue seperti gue dulu ke loe.” Jelas Riska.

“maksud loe Ka?” Tanya Rico dan Vino serempak.

“ya,gue udah ngubur perasaan itu dalam-dalam. Dan sekarang gue gak lagi ngarepin Vino kok, loe tenang aja Vin. Gue gak akan maksa loe buat suka sama gue lagi.”lanjut Riska.

“sekarang ada orang yang benar-benar sayang sama loe. Apa harapan itu ada untuk dia?” Tanya Vino sambil menunjuk rico.

“jujur gue juga sayang loe Co.sikap loe,kebaikan loe. Itu yang bikin gue juga sayang loe. Tapi gue gak bisa nerusin rasa itu karena gue gak mau persahabatan kita rusak gara-gara itu. Karena loe udah jadi teman aja loe udah bikin gue bahagia kok punya teman kayak loe.” Jelas Riska.

“loe bener ka.persahabatan kita lebih penting.” Jawab Rico.

“lagian,loe masih bisa kok sayang sama Riska sebagai adik.’ Sambung Vino.

“iya dong, gue kan juga sayang sama Rico. Tapi Cuma sebagai sahabat. Loe gak perlu berubah kok sama gue,sikap loe,kebaikan loe. Contohnya sekarag aja.mumpung masih dikantin nih,boleh dong ya mesen satu mangkok aja.laper ni habis klarifikasi tadi.”canda Riska.

“yeee ujungnya gak enak tuh.” Balas Vino.

Dan akhirnya semuanya berkahir bahagia. 3 hati itu tetap bisa saling menyayangi sebagai sahabat 

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013


Senin, 04 Maret 2013

0 Trik PES 2013

tips dan trik pes 2013

Trik PES 2013

Agar langsung kepada inti dari tulisan ini, yaitu tentang trik PES 2013, maka secara lengkap berbagai tutorial trik bermain PES 2013 tersebut dapat teman-teman lihat seperti yang akan dipublikasikan dibawah ini:

Trik Dribble PES 2013      
  • Diagonal bounce : Tekan dan tahan L2, arahkan analog kanan ke kiri dan analog kiri ke atas kanan   
  • Rainbow Flick : Tekan dan tahan L2, dan tekan analog kanan 2 kali     
  • Backhell Feint : Tekan dan tahan L2, putar 1/4 lingkaran analog kanan dari arah kiri hingga ke atas dan analog kiri ke arah bawah    
  • Ball roll 1 : Tekan dan tahan L2, arahkan analog kanan ke bawah
  • Front Flick : Tekan dan tahan L2, tekan analog kanan dan analog kiri arah kan ke kiri atas.
  • Heel chop : Tekan dan tahan L2, arahkan analog kanan keatas dan analog kiri ke atas     
  • Ball roll 2 : Tekan dan tahan L2, arahkan analog kanan kd bawah lalu ke atas  
Trik Tendangan Bebas (Freekick) PES 2013    
  • Tekan L1 dan R1 secara bersamaan.    
  • Tekan dan tahan tombol arah bawah, lalu tekan tombol kotak dg power gauge skitar 60%, segera lepas tombol arah bawah tadi lalu ganti menekan tombol X+arah dan Bola akan menukik.    
  • Arahkan tendangan kemudian tekan bawah dan L1 lalu kotak sebelum menendang (ketika barnya masih muncul) tekan X maka bola akan meluncur deras mengarah kebawah.
  • Lihat dulu statistik penendang semakin banyak bintang dan angka nya tinggi maka semakin bagus hasil tendangan tersebut arahkan tendangan kemudian tekan atas dan L1 lalu kotak sebelum menendang (ketika barnya masih muncul) tekan segitiga maka bola akan meluncur deras mengarah kesudut atas.
Trik Crossing PES 2013    
  • Umpan dasar, tekan X.    
  • Umpan Lambung mendatar. Tenekan tombol O tiga kali.
  • Umpan Terobosan Dasar, Tekan Segitiga.    
  • Umpan Lambung tinggi. Tekan tombol O sekali saja.    
  • Umpan Lambung menengah. Tekan tombol O dua kali.    
  • Umpan Terobosan Lambung, Tekan Segitigan dan L1 secara bersamaan.
Trik Pinalty PES 2013    
  • Pada posisi ini kita cukup menekan tombol kotak (langsung dilepas,) kemudian tunggu beberapa saat sampai pemain bergerak mendekati bola.    
  • Setelah pemain berada pada posisi di dekat bola, kita pencet tombol arah atas/bawah dengan menekannya sampai pemain menendang bola.

Triks Tambahan Pes 2013   
  • One-two sambil berlari tekan L1 dan X sebelum menerima bola tekan segitiga sambil berlari tekan L1 dan X sebelum menerima bola tekan kotak(bola agak di angkat).   
  • Back skill tekan L2 terus kemudian tekan R3(analog sebelah kanan) dua kali     
  • Mengelabui musuh tekan L1 dua kali.    
  • Menghidar takling tekan R2.    
  • Membawa bola dan di bayang-bayangi lawan variasikan selalu R1 dan L2.       
  • Super Cancel - untuk mengubah arah lari default pemain tekan R1 dan R2 secara bersamaan lalu arahkan player ke bola.    
  • Agar penendang menjadi dua orang caranya tekan L1 dan R1, dan untuk mengoper kepada penendang kedua tekan L1 dan X.   
  • Menghindari musuh usahakan sambil menghindar selalu tekan R2 dan kombinasikan dengan L2.
  • Formasi sebaiknya pakai formasi 4-2-3-1, 4-3-3, 4-5-1 atau formasi sesuai karakter asli tim tersebut.

Demikianlah berbagai trik permainan PES 2013 yang bisa dipublikasikan kepada teman-teman

Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

0 Download Pes 2013 For PC

Bagi pecinta game nih kami memberikan game yang terbaru yaitu PES 2013, game ini sangatlah populer di kalangan remaja pecinta bola. ayo cepat segera download


Pro Evolution Soccer 2013-SKIDROW - Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 returns to the roots of football with unique levels of control plus major emphasis on the individual style of the world’s best players. Thanks to feedback from dedicated fans, PES2013 offers total freedom to play any kind of ball, which for the first time includes full control over shooting and the first touch. Endorsed by Cristiano Ronaldo, PES will continue to push boundaries, perfectly reflecting the genius of top level players and capturing the essence of modern teamwork. The result will be the most faithful recreation of modern day soccer to date.


PES FC Puts the Control In Your Hands – Full control takes PES gameplay
to a new level

    Players now have the freedom to dribble, and pass however they choose
    Dynamic first touch allows fans to trap and move the ball to create flowing movement
    Response defending vastly improves the accuracy, timing and options to break up play

 Introducing Player ID – A distinct identity

    The physical features and skill sets of the world’s top footballers have been faithfully recreated
    Celebrations, actions and goal keeper animations are now more tailored to real life than ever
    Introducing ProActive AI – The AI engine under-goes another massive year over year improvement
    ProActive AI means player and team decisions and movement are refined even further
    Balance between attack and defense is honed and speed adjusted for greater realism and control
    The PES team worked with real life goal keepers to improve motions ad GK logic to improve animations and quality of GK responses

Cara Installasi :

    Unpack the release
    Mount or burn image
    Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
    Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as secure/trusted in your antivirus program
    Play the game
    Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy

Minimum system requirements:

    OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, Windows 7
    CPU: Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent processor
    RAM: 1GB RAM
    HDD: 8GB free hard disk space
    VIDEO: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 128MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 6200 / ATI
    Radeon X1300 / Intel HD Graphics 2000/3000)
    SOUND: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
    DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc)

0 Game Terbaik Release Di Tahun 2013

Game Terbaik Release Di Tahun 2013

1. Last For Us PS3

The Last of Us is an upcoming third-person survival horror action-adventure video game developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation 3. It was officially revealed on December 10, 2011 during the Spike TV Video Game Awards.

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2. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PS3&XBOX360

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is an upcoming action video game under development by Platinum Games and produced by Kojima Productions as part of the Metal Gear series, for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 .The game was originally announced and developed by Kojima Productions as Metal Gear Solid: Rising , a interquel action game set between the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots before being reannounced as Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance under the development of Platinum Games. The game is now set to take place several years after Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and is a spinoff that is "not part of the Metal Gear Solid series".

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3. Halo 4 XBOX360

Halo 4 is an upcoming video game and the eighth installment in the Halo franchise being developed for the Xbox 360. Halo 4 is intended to be the first of a new trilogy of Halo series games, named the "Reclaimer Trilogy". Whereas the previous Halo games were developed by Bungie,[4] Halo 4 will be developed by 343 Industries. The game continues some time after the ending of Halo 3, and marks the return of the Master Chief as the main protagonist. Cortana will also appear in the game.The game is set for release in Holiday 2012.

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4. Max Payne 3 PC,PS3,XBOX360

Max Payne 3 is an upcoming third-person shooter video game in the Max Payne franchise published by Rockstar Games for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Development is led by Rockstar Vancouver in collaboration with the New England, London and Toronto studios. This is the first game in the series not to be developed by Finnish game developer Remedy Entertainment and not being written by series creator Sam Lake. The lead writer of Max Payne 3 is Dan Houser, who was also the writer of most games in the Grand Theft Auto series, and of Red Dead Redemption.

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5. Grand Theft Auto 5 PC,PS3,XBOX360

Grand Theft Auto V is an upcoming open world action-adventure video game being developed by games developer Rockstar North in the United Kingdom and published by Rockstar Games. The game will be the first major title in the Grand Theft Auto series since Grand Theft Auto IV (2008), which started the fourth "era" in the series, and the fifteenth game overall. The game is to be set in fictional Los Santos in the state of San Andreas and its surrounding areas, based on modern-day Los Angeles and Southern California. A rendition of Los Santos was previously featured as one of three cities in 2004's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, from the series' third era. The debut trailer for Grand Theft Auto V was unveiled on 2 November 2011.

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6. Tomb Raider PC,PS3,XBOX360

Tomb Raider is an upcoming action-adventure video game and the ninth instalment of the Tomb Raider series, published by Square Enix and developed by Crystal Dynamics as their fifth franchise-related title. The first in a third continuation, the game is set to provide no correlation to the entirety of the previous entries in the series; a reboot that emphasizes the reconstructed origins of the culturally influential lead character, Lara Croft.

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7. Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3&XBOX360

Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a console role-playing video game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is being produced by Square Enix's 1st Production Department, with help from external developer tri-Ace. It is a direct sequel to the 2009 role playing game, Final Fantasy XIII.

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8. Dead or Alive 5 PS3&XBOX360

Dead or Alive 5 is an upcoming fighting game in the Dead or Alive franchise, set for release in 2012 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the first game in the series to see a multi-platform release since Dead or Alive 2 and the only one to be released simultaneously on both. It made its debut at the Tokyo Game Show on September 14, 2011.

9. Mass Effect 3 PC,PS3,XBOX360

Mass Effect 3 is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Officially announced on December 11, 2010, the game is scheduled for a March 6, 2012 release[10] and will mark the final chapter in the Mass Effect trilogy of video games, completing the story of Commander Shepard.

10. Ninja Gaiden 3 PS3&XBOX360

Ninja Gaiden 3 is an upcoming action-adventure video game developed by Team Ninja and published by Tecmo Koei. It is the sequel to Ninja Gaiden II and will be released in March 2012. The game will explore Ryu's more human side as he descends into a hellish realm. It will deal with the sword of the Archfiend from Ninja Gaiden II.

11. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 PS3&XBOX360

Tekken Tag Tournament 2is a fighting game in the Tekken series and the successor to 1999's Tekken Tag Tournament. The game was released in Japanese arcades on September 14, 2011 and will be released on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, during the holiday season in 2012. A playable demo bundled with the CGI movie titled Tekken: Blood Vengeance and an HD version of the original Tekken Tag Tournament was released in North America on November 22, 2011.

12. Diablo 3 PC,PS3&XBOX360

Diablo III is an upcoming dark fantasy/horror-themed action role-playing game in development by Blizzard, making it the third installment in the Diablo franchise. The game, which features elements of the hack and slash and dungeon crawl genres.

13. Hitman Absolution PC,PS3,XBOX360

Hitman: Absolution is a stealth game being developed by IO Interactive and will be published by Square Enix.[1] It is the upcoming fifth entry in the Hitman game series. The game will run on IO Interactive's proprietary Glacier 2 game engine, fusing classic Hitman game mechanics with brand new gameplay features.

14. Soul Calibur V PS3&XBOX360

Soulcalibur V is the upcoming sixth installment in Namco's Soul series of fighting games, and will be released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012. The game will take place 17 years after the events of Soulcalibur IV.[2] The main protagonist is Patroklos, the son of Soul series veteran Sophitia, while her daughter, Pyrrha is the deuteragonist. The only revealed guest character so far is Ezio Auditore da Firenze from the Assassin's Creed series.

15. Bioshock Infinite PC,PS3,XBOX360

BioShock Infinite is an upcoming first-person shooter video game, and the third game in the BioShock series. Previously known as "Project Icarus", it is being developed by Irrational Games for a 2012 release on the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms.[1] BioShock Infinite is not a direct sequel or prequel to previous BioShock games, taking place in an earlier period and different setting, though it features similar gameplay concepts and themes. The player controls a former Pinkerton agent, Booker DeWitt, as he attempts to rescue a woman named Elizabeth trapped aboard the collapsing air-city Columbia in 1912

16. Resident Evil Operation Racoon City PC,PS3,XBOX360

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is an upcoming 2012 third-person shooter video game for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, co-developed by Slant Six Games and Capcom, and currently scheduled for a release on March 20, 2012 in North America and March 23, 2012 in EuropeIt is part of the Resident Evil series, being set around the same time as Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and the two Resident Evil: Outbreak titles.

17. Dragon Dogma PS3&XBOX360

Dragon's Dogma is an upcoming action-adventure game that is being developed by Capcom for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game has an open world fantasy setting and is planned to be released in North America on March 27, 2012, May 1, 2012 in Europe, and sometime in early 2012 for Japan.

18. FIFA Street PS3&XBOX360

FIFA Street (also known as FIFA Street 4) is a forthcoming game in EA Sports' FIFA Street franchise based on the sport of street football. It will be the first such game in almost four years, and a reboot for the series. FIFA Street is being developed by some of the same team behind FIFA 12, including creative director Gary Paterson, and will use the FIFA 12 game engine. Sid Misra, the line producer for FIFA Street, promised "the first true quality street football experience.

19. Naruto Shipudden: Ultimate Ninja Storm PS3&XBOX360

ruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, known in Japan as Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm Generations is a video game in the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja fighting game series, developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Namco Bandai Games. Based on Naruto manga series by Masashi Kishimoto, this title will feature both characters from the prequels Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm and Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, thus featuring two incarnations from characters who noticeably changed across the series, alongside the newly introduced. Additionally, the game will show original storylines produced by the group in charge of Naruto's animated adaptations

20. Devil May Cry PC,PS3,XBOX360

DmC Devil May Cry is an upcoming action game developed by Ninja Theory and published by Capcom for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It will be the first title in the series not to be developed internally at Capcom. Instead, development will be handled by the English studio Ninja Theory, while the Japanese and American branches of Capcom will supervise the production creatively and logistically. The game is set in a parallel universe in the Devil May Cry series. The story tells of a younger Dante and his journey through the fictitious Limbo City. A city that appears calm at first, but transforms into a twisted parody of itself with demons who frequently attempt to kill Dante. Dante will also be fighting against the ever-changing environment of the city as well.

21. Atelier Meruru PS3

Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland is a Japanese role-playing video game developed by Gust. It was released for PlayStation 3 on June 23, 2011 in Japan. Atelier Meruru is the thirteenth installment in the Atelier series, and it continues the series' emphasis on item creation and synthesis. The game is the third and final in the Arland series, and a direct sequel to Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, and Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland.

22. Twisted Metal PS3

Twisted Metal is an upcoming vehicle combat video game developed by Eat Sleep Play and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation 3. It is the eighth installment in the series of the same name. The game was planned to be released in October 2011, but was delayed to February 14th, 2012.

23. Alan Wake - American Nightmares XBOX360

Alan Wake's American Nightmare is an upcoming story-driven action horror, being developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Microsoft Studios. The game is a download follow up to its predecessor, Alan Wake, but is not a sequel. The game will be an Xbox Live Arcade title and is due to be released sometime in Q1 2012.

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1. Last For Us PS3

The Last of Us is an upcoming third-person survival horror action-adventure video game developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation 3. It was officially revealed on December 10, 2011 during the Spike TV Video Game Awards.

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0 PS2 VS PS3

Menalar tentang pernyatan saya bahwa saya akan mengganti hosting ke blogspot nampaknya tidak akan terjadi, karena beberapa hal yang  nanti lebih fatal akibatnya, jadi tetap saja seperti ini… baiklah cukup untuk yang basa-basinya, pasti dah banyak yang nanya tentang PES 2011 yang di PS2 ataupun di PS 3 nya, iya toh,
seputar pertanyaan saya kira banyak yang dari PS 3, mengapa, karena berdasarkan dari pengalaman saya juga yang baru baru ini mencoba PS3, semua setting formasi serta sistem permainan berubah total dari yang versi PES nya PS2, saya bingung apa harus senang dengan kualitas gambarnya yang mendetail sekali itu atau kah harus sedih karena perombakan besar-besaran yang dilakukan oleh pihak developernya… harghh, byar para gamer sendiri yang menentukan mana yang lebih mereka sukai, versi PS2 atau PS3nya, tapi kalau jujur, saya lebih suka dengan versi PS2 nya, memang kualitas gambarnya kalah, tetapi untuk versi kenyamanan dan kesyikan masih menang versi PS2.. kalo kalian terbiasa dengan permainan yang bertenaga di PS2, maka kalian akan syok, baru pertama main saya sudah kebingungan dengan sistem permainannya, walaupun tidak beberapa lama sudah menyadarinya sih, kalau di PS3 Pes jadi lebih sensitif, jadi faktor utama di PS3 bukannya semangat atau pun tenaga, melainkan kesensitifan dari para gamer.. jujur memang menantang, tapi  lebih baik P2 nya lah, lebih asyik dan lebih merata, karena sistemnya sama terus dari PS one yang WE, lalu
WE ps2, kemudian PES PS2nya.. yahhh, terserah kalianlah, it’s back to your choices..
tapi dari pengalaman saya dari bermain versi PS3, untuk permainan, kalian harus umpan kawan dengan tempo yang teratur dan cepat, jadi semakin lambat atau semakin tidak beraturan, maka irama permainan akan hancur berantakan.. kemudian untuk teknik gocekan seperti samba maupun marseille roullete, dan teknik gauchonya ronaldinho, memakai analog stick kanan.. dan untuk tombiol R2 sebagai magic buton sepertinya tidak begitu berpengaruh disini, jadi efek magic di dalam versi PS3 PES ini sudah mulai dihilangkan.. jadi intinya di dalam PES versi PS3, kita hanya bermain curving dan sensitivitas saja… ya mungkin ini karena semakin detail seperti aslinya, jadinya bertambah manualnya didalam sistem permainnan itu sendiri..
Bagi yang  ingin tahu tentang menendang tendangan bebas atau penalti di PES versi PS3, sudah ada beberapa pengunjung yang menguak rahasianya, trima kasih untuk bro someone yang sudah berkenan menshare ilmunya disini untuk para gamers sekalian yang kehausan Ilmu ini,, haha kayak anjing aja ya…
tendangan bebas
jarak 18-25 = Shoot gauge nya sekitar 70% (kotak + bawah). buat curlingnya pake kanan/kiri + X
jarak 25-35 = Shoot gauge nya sekitar 70% (kotak) curlingnya kanan/kiri
jarak 25-26 ke atas = Shoot nya sama (kotak + atas) curlingnya kanan/kiri + segitiga
sedikit tambahan :
Bola leret (efektifnya buat freekick jarak deket) : O + bawah (arahin ke sela2 pager betisnya  + ngarahin ke gawang yg g dijagain kiper)
klo pinalti : arahnya dulu abis itu (kotak + R2)
semoga membantu
PS : arahin curlingnya ke sudut gawang yg g bisa digapai kiper.dan buat shoot gaugenya pake perasaan aja

0 Forum Playstation 4

Daftar Perusahaan game yang akan membuat game untuk PS4

gamer,sekalian. berikut ini adalah foto yang berisikan nama nama perusahaan game yang rencananya akan mengluarkan game untuk PS4. berikut ini dia fotonya
bagaimana gamers? apakah ada perusahaan game kesukaan anda yang termasuk dalam listnya ? :D

Playstation 4 Roadmap Revealed

A Japanese gaming magazine are today claiming to have received a blueprint for Sony’s Playstation 4 roadmap. The supposed official document highlights a number of the PS4′s technical features and details how the PS4′s development will progress.
Here’s a computer generated translation of the Japanese article, so my apologies if it isn’t all too correct. If anyone would like to translate the information properly the original Japanese article can be found here.
The PS4 with the development of CPU-Cell B.E.
Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) is the next game console “PLAYSTATION 4 (PS4)” a, Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) are starting to take full consideration based architecture. Currently, much of the reaction GEMUDIBEROPPA, said that the stage of exploring the concrete implementation. The SCE, PS4 generation PS3 production costs are lower than at the same time and generation, seems to be a way to curb investment to continue development architecture.
Cell BE with SCE PS4 are still kept away from the possibility that, for now, Cell BE & expansion seems to be moving in that direction based on the improved version.
SCE was originally a PS3 at the stage of concrete projects, Cell BE architecture PS3 was planning to continue in subsequent generations. Therefore, over the huge cost, to endure over the long term development as a CPU developed the Cell BE architecture. Cell BE-based PLAYSTATION original plan was put in a magnificent sight on the distributed computing network in the end.

The current plan is PS4, Cell BE-based from the original look of the PLAYSTATION + Cell BE as close to the expansion strategy, the reality seems to be no different. In order to reduce the investment in hardware and software, Cell BE-based PS4 is to develop a story. I have already invested a huge Cell BE, the investment in the software stack and tools, is that if you want to inherit would be the aim of SCE. SCE to now, PS3 and development of the same size, would not afford to perform in the next generation.
Moreover, PS4, also reduced the size of the chip itself, to be headed toward a lower cost. PLAYSTATION 2 of the past generation, the two main chip, the die (chip itself), starting at 200 square mm chip’s high-performance, high cost and large size around to shrink the chip manufacturing costs and scaling process taking a strategy to reduce the price. However, PS4 generation of low-cost rival to the Wii, lower production costs in a small chip from the first car, and expected lower price.

● SCE’s direction PS4 or reduce the number of CPU cores
PS4 is, PS3 or the performance will be up for one. PS3 is the Cell BE, for control of the CPU core “PPU (Power Processor Unit)” the one to each CPU core operation for the “SPU (Synergistic Processor Unit)” the seven (originally eight pieces, for a yield disabled) has a total of 8 CPU cores. Then, Cell BE is a scalable CPU by increasing the number of cores, which can increase the performance architecture.
So, PS4 So, CPU core 32 or the numbers and reach. Cell BE is present, 90nm shrink because of the layout while maintaining its basic version, the smaller the degree of reduction of the die. 235 square mm for the 90nm version, 65nm version is 175 square mm, 45nm version is 115 square mm. However, PS4 again to fix the design of a significant number of 45nm chips on the CPU cores can be (SPU Toshiba has significantly reduced the area of core). SCE’s original “IKEIKE” Under the plan, 45 ~ 32nm in the 24 core and 32-core Cell BE and had potential. As if Moore’s Law, 32 reach the core. But SCE will probably do so.
PS4 is, PS3 for, is likely to remain大人SHII surprisingly improved performance. The SCE’s plan, not a high-performance, high cost, it seems to be the direction to achieve a certain level of performance while reducing costs. To minimize production costs, reduce the die size of the chip block (CPU units if 100 mm square), Cell BE-based CPU, even increasing the number of cores is expected to hold. Perhaps, from the current 8-core will increase dramatically. 45nm process DATOSUREBA pay up to 100 mm square in one panel, is likely to remain in the core number of 10. Some frequency is likely to improve, but here is the dramatic and put a big hand to cut the circuit design and architecture. Then, CPU and only, live performance and twice the current 2.x, so will be dramatically cut.
However, CPU core number is still waiting for feedback from GEMUDEBEROPPA, has not been determined. Not decided on the specifications in the research stage. However, SCE PS4 say that we take a cautious route, you hear.
Incidentally, for memory, PS3 employs fewer cases of non-XDR DRAM memory instead, such as generic JEDEC (Electronic Industries Association of America in the infrastructure of the EIA, the semiconductor standardization organizations) plan to use a memory standard said to be emerging. This is because of cost savings. However, JEDEC DDR4 because in fact we have been canceled and仕切RI直SHI, PS4 in phases, in fact, have no choice DDR3 low-voltage version only. However, DRAM memory and CPU implementation of the package stacking or to die, SCE is considering.

SCE, the current generation of game consoles, is struggling big pinch. Although the situation is being improved, the Nintendo Wii is the purpose behind the current generation of machines that carve up the market. Put in a huge investment, high costs and high prices put the PS3 in a predicament because, SCE’s PLAYSTATION strategy, is being forced to change. The traditional game, “winning equation” because it would have been destroyed.
So far, the war game had some theories. The competition for high performance on the high initial investment has been favorable to expanding the user下GERE selling prices and higher prices in the first layer with time and casual gamers to the hard-core gamer with a high-performance引KITSUKERE spread, and a graphic. However, Wii’s success, he is now a question mark to such theories.
Wii because of the success of the performance that put the price by reducing the cost of investment and venture closer to his new proposals on how to play the content MANMASHININTAFEISU, from the first KAJUARUGEMA intuitive interface and low price and that the target layer. Wii or later, if that’s turned the game if the rules of war, SCE must seek to lower development costs and production costs. The strategy will be aimed at立TENAKERE casual layer. The SCE, PS4 If you are trying to lower the cost of hardware, it is estimated that such a background. In addition, SCE itself, unlike the era Hisashi夛良Thursday, difficult to plan for high-risk, potentially low-flow and investment plans.

The Cell BE-based SCE, and other reasons, will release time. Generation now, incremental improvements are possible because of hardware and software, hardware generation change was considered a long span. However, the current SCE suggests that the movement, SCE that have similar plans in the span of the development of traditional and next-generation machine.
SCE is the one that preceded Microsoft’s Xbox 360, was leading. Microsoft, when the original Xbox, SCE despite Did you make your best development environment, but failed in the delay. The Xbox was released a development kit is a major GEMUDEBEROPPA PS2 had already been made in the game engine. So, Xbox 360 offers a proposition that the PS3 ahead of the success to take the lead in many areas of the world market. Currently, Xbox 360 is being caught up with the PS3, I could make a significant market base.
If you apply the lessons of the Xbox 360, SCE will have to invest ahead of the next car. The game is to start shipping products from the actual chip development for at least three years, four years is usually required. For example, SCE is attempting to launch in the year 2011 if a plan is quite urgent. The best way to fast development is to improve the existing architecture.

● made a huge investment Cell B.E.
Cell BE PS4 you plan to expand the載SEYOU and the SCE. However, many GEMUDEBEROPPA the current Cell BE CPU, simple way to increase the number of cores do not want to be. Cell BE, but have received positive support from many GEMUDEBEROPPA still is not. Despite the Cell BE SCE give, because they have reason to be so.
Cell BE is for this game to a different CPU. SCE & Sony IBM, Toshiba and purpose of the Cell BE was developed during the game, not only can be used to create a general-purpose CPU architectures. CPU this game, unlike in an airplane rather than abandon the use of every generation, used in the broader market is highly scalable general purpose can花開KA non-game software assets is pursuing a CPU . Of course, for the game, not just one generation, he assumes that you use across multiple generations.
Therefore, SCE is the development of the Cell BE architecture, made a large investment ever. In other words, Cell BE development costs are amortized, PS3 by more than one generation, not a generation, PLAYSTATION diverted to other devices in addition to a great deal would be done from the beginning. For example, PS4 as the Cell BE can provide improved CPU architecture itself, rather than developing from scratch is a small burden. SCE is, Cell BE will be a preference for continued use.
The idea of future development, Cell BE, the architecture is easy to take to improve the performance and scalable. CPU simply by changing the configuration of the bus and ring connected to the core, it is possible to increase the number of cores. CPU without significantly changing the basic architecture, CPU scalable increase the number of cores, you can raise a theoretical peak performance.

● Easy-to-deploy and scalable architecture Cell BE
In the standard multi-core CPU, CPU and the problem of increasing the number of cores. For example, the only traffic to keep the cache coherent, it is eaten, the bus bandwidth. Cell BE, which incorporate a mechanism to prevent from the start. The question many of the game software development, dedicated memory for each CPU core, “local store” It is the architecture.
Cell BE,設KEZU the cache to each CPU core to access the local store and explicit, CPU KOHIRENSHIMEKANIZUMU eliminates the need for increased drag on the number of core (Intel’s Larrabee is reversed The point is that it has developed a simple extension KOHIRENSHIMEKANIZUMU). And move to the workload of the processing stream of the future, just because the data are not reused, the cache would mean eliminating the most (about prefetched buffer) that were read.
Additionally, Cell BE, each CPU having a separate memory core, and the portable memory, that can scale seamlessly to distributed computing on a network. SPU to access the main memory from the DMA must be disabled介SANAKERE is why there is such.
The Cell BE architecture is the future to facilitate the increase in the CPU core, was to facilitate the way to the distributed computing. Cell B.E.強味have to develop it. SCE as the PS4 in the next hope to develop this architecture, it is natural for a generation.
By the way, Cell BE development of SCE (Sony), IBM, Toshiba engineers in Austin, the company made in the STI Design Center, currently, SCE said AKITEKUTOCHIMU of a few. PS4 architecture for the research, and found that it returned to the headquarters. Therefore, PS4 in the Cell BE SCE is it possible to leave the architecture. However, SCE’s, PS4 to have a Cell BE-based study, the results of the research PS4 After determining the direction of where you restart the development.
Reduce the burden of software development lie
Because of this situation, CPU to reduce the burden of development, Cell BE will continue to be a shortcut for SCE. However, SCE has more to worry about, it is estimated that the burden of software development.
SCE is in the PS3 software exceeded expectations and has been suffering the burden of development tools. Additional application development and maintenance of systems software and no end in sight. Compilers and tools can not meet the requirements of developers. BAKKUENDOSABA the system development and the accompanying expansion of network services endless. To reduce the burden on developers of the Cell BE development of software libraries to facilitate the optimization. Multi-core CPU with one of two ISA (instruction set architecture) with special education for the Cell BE programming. The huge burden of software, SCE loom. This is half the job done if the body releases a PlayStation 2 (PS2) and the generation of software development system is very different.
If, SCE to develop the PS4 and a completely new architecture must all start from zero again. Then, the software development costs, they will go up more mad. Than it is to inherit the architecture, and how best to promote the use of software assets and skills that are considered high potential SCE. As a result the PS3 hard to develop software, I finally appointed to a certain extent, SCE as not going to be the accumulation捨TETAKU.
The learning curve GEMUBENDA (proficiency) in terms of architecture, it is desirable to continue. Generation now, the gradual rise of the learning curve SOFUTOUEADEBEROPPA, particularly the PS3 platform is said to have a high degree of difficulty. PS3 titles in development is the only place I’m getting a spur. However, PS4 on the PS3 to have inherited it from, PS4 up the learning curve easier. However, in the GEMUDEBEROPPA, Cell BE architecture itself with a firm, say they can not be certain to increase the learning curve.
However, in principle, along with changes in the software side, the current problem could be alleviated to some extent. The original concept of the Cell BE, according to object-oriented software, 1 CPU was an object that can be assigned to the core architecture. Not by a large task granularity, each object to the small particle size CPU software assumes that you were assigned to the core. The smaller the grain size, Cell BE SPU’s easy to fit the size of memory, the principle is to increase the number of CPU cores, will also help to reduce the grain size of the software.
● PS4 is our ability to charm other than HADOSUPEKKU
Cell BE-based PS4 has emerged of the plan, SCE’s PLAYSTATION strategy. The company has already expanded the concept to be stalling over its failure PS3 merit, PS4 seen signs have a plan. However, too much to keep HADOUEASUPEKKU, PS3 fails to differentiate themselves from the generation, PS4 may fail to start. PS4, it will be passed on to less version, Wii points will be added to one or the other HADOSUPEKKU like a charm.

Sony: We’re Not Working On The Playstation 4 – Honest!

With the Playstation 3′s lifespan claimed to be only 10 years, there’s already lots of buzz about the next console in the Playstation series – the Playstation 4. But amidst of all this buzz and rumor the SCEE President David Reeves has responded to claims that the PS4 is currently in development. I’m not even [...]

First Real Playstation 4 Details?

Could this Japanese translation be the first real information on the technical specs of the Playstation 4 console? Japanese news site PC Watch is reporting that Sony “has begun seriously considering” basing the upcoming PlayStation 4 console on the same Cell processor that currently powers the Playstation 3. Here’s what’s been revealed in the article: [...]

Playstation 4 To Arrive in 2011/2012?

Speaking at the Games Developers Conference in Leipzig this week, Crytek president and CEO, Cevat Yerli speculated that we could expect to see The Playstation 4 release around 2011/2012. “The PlayStation 4 and Xbox ’720′ will arrive in 2011 or 2012, we think,” said Yerli. “But this is just our estimate – we don’t know, [...]

How The Playstation 4 Can Beat The Xbox 720

It seems the battle of words over who will win the next-next generation console war is already starting to hot up. A thread over on the forums shares a number of ways and ideas that Sony should adopt to ensure their success at dominating the future console marketplace. Launch – The PS4 must launch [...]

Will The Playstation 4 Look Like This?

AMD recently unveiled a new graphics chip that could possibly give us a glimpse of what to expect from the graphics of the next-next generation consoles. Like the upcoming IBM Cell chip, the new AMD chip is capable of doing a full TeraFLOPS of processing power, and is actually more powerful that all of the [...]

Playstation 4 Cell Chip Due To Change?

Here’s some technical information on a possible new cell chip for the PS4. We’ve heard about the Cell 3 chip with 32 SPEs and 2 PPEs, well it seems IBM are due to change all that. The new possible chip now is the design for 32 SPEs and 4 PPEs. Some features of the new [...]

Are Sony, IBM, and Toshiba Working On Chipsets For The PS4?

As part of our rumor round-up here at, we thought we’d cover some speculation as to the hardware specifics of the Playstation 4. According Reuters Sony, IBM and Toshiba have all extended their parterships with Sony, pledging to invest even more funds into next-generation chip designs. The next generation chipsets will dramatically smaller and [...]

Will The Playstation 4 Have A Disc Drive?

In the past Sony’s Phil Harrison has stated, “I’d be amazed if the PlayStation 4 has a physical disc drive”, but can Sony really release the PS4 without a disc drive? It’s been proven by Microsoft that online downloads can generate a pile of cash, and with broadband getting faster and cheaper will we eventually [...]

Playstation 4 To Be Backwardly Compatible?

A recent job posting from Sony Computer Entertainment Japan suggests that the development of the Playstation 4 console has progressed more than we anticipated. The vacant position requires the engineer to implement and optimise emulation software for PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 games on all formats. It’s quite surprising that the PS4 development has reached [...]

Game PS4 Hanya Akan Hadir Dengan Versi Digital

Hal ini memiliki kemungkinan besar dapat terjadi melihat dari generasi PlayStation sebelumnya PS3 yang lebih sukses pada penjualan game dengan versi digital yang tersedia di PlayStation Network. Saat ini memang hampir di negara mana saja, pengguna dari PlayStation 3 lebih memilih men-download data dari pada harus membelinya di toko sebagai sebuah perangkat keras. Hal ini bukan berarti semua pemain selalu ingin mendapatkan game dengan tampilan software, ada juga yang menginginkannya dalam bentuk CD, namun hanya dalam jumlah yang kecil saja.

Seperti sebuah kutipan perbincangan yang didapat dari berbagai sumber, "Kami akan menggeser platform PS4 lebih ke sisi digital, yang berarti akan membuatnya mirip seperti PS Vita karena setiap game akan tersedia lewat digital download, dan beberapa juga akan tersedia dalam bentuk fisik," jelas Presiden dari Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida dalam wawancaranya dengan TheGuardian.

Game-game dari PlayStation 4 sendiri dapat dipastikan kalau akan memiliki ukuran yang sangat besar dan tentu akan memakan banyak sekali space kosong di hardisk. Jika memang rumor ini benar-benar akan terjadi maka dapat dipastikan kemungkinan yang terjadi pada PlayStation 3 belum tentu juga akan terjadi pada PS4. Hal tersebut dikarenakan tentu lebih mudah mendapatkannya pada CD dibandingkan dengan data download. Tempat penyimpanan tentu juga tidak akan berkurang banyak karena semua tersimpan pada CD. Namun kita lihat saja, bagaimana Sony menyikapi rumor tersebut.

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Entah kabar apalagi yang datang dari Sony kali ini, namun cukup mengejutkan untuk setiap penggemar. Sebelumnya pemimpin dari Sony Computer Entertainment European, Jim Ryan sempat menyatakan kalau konsol generasi ke empat dari PlayStation pada saat rilis nanti masih akan menggunakan format Blu-Ray Disc sebagai format media game utama dari konsol tersebut. Namun ternyata saat ini ada sebuah rumor yang mengatakan kalau konsol tersebut akan datang dengan game yang dijual dengan versi digital saja.

Game PS4 Hanya Akan Hadir Dengan Versi Digital

Hal ini memiliki kemungkinan besar dapat terjadi melihat dari generasi PlayStation sebelumnya PS3 yang lebih sukses pada penjualan game dengan versi digital yang tersedia di PlayStation Network. Saat ini memang hampir di negara mana saja, pengguna dari PlayStation 3 lebih memilih men-download data dari pada harus membelinya di toko sebagai sebuah perangkat keras. Hal ini bukan berarti semua pemain selalu ingin mendapatkan game dengan tampilan software, ada juga yang menginginkannya dalam bentuk CD, namun hanya dalam jumlah yang kecil saja.

Seperti sebuah kutipan perbincangan yang didapat dari berbagai sumber, "Kami akan menggeser platform PS4 lebih ke sisi digital, yang berarti akan membuatnya mirip seperti PS Vita karena setiap game akan tersedia lewat digital download, dan beberapa juga akan tersedia dalam bentuk fisik," jelas Presiden dari Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida dalam wawancaranya dengan TheGuardian.

Game-game dari PlayStation 4 sendiri dapat dipastikan kalau akan memiliki ukuran yang sangat besar dan tentu akan memakan banyak sekali space kosong di hardisk. Jika memang rumor ini benar-benar akan terjadi maka dapat dipastikan kemungkinan yang terjadi pada PlayStation 3 belum tentu juga akan terjadi pada PS4. Hal tersebut dikarenakan tentu lebih mudah mendapatkannya pada CD dibandingkan dengan data download. Tempat penyimpanan tentu juga tidak akan berkurang banyak karena semua tersimpan pada CD. Namun kita lihat saja, bagaimana Sony menyikapi rumor tersebut.

Brought to you by Nyit-Nyit.Net!

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Entah kabar apalagi yang datang dari Sony kali ini, namun cukup mengejutkan untuk setiap penggemar. Sebelumnya pemimpin dari Sony Computer Entertainment European, Jim Ryan sempat menyatakan kalau konsol generasi ke empat dari PlayStation pada saat rilis nanti masih akan menggunakan format Blu-Ray Disc sebagai format media game utama dari konsol tersebut. Namun ternyata saat ini ada sebuah rumor yang mengatakan kalau konsol tersebut akan datang dengan game yang dijual dengan versi digital saja.

Game PS4 Hanya Akan Hadir Dengan Versi Digital

Hal ini memiliki kemungkinan besar dapat terjadi melihat dari generasi PlayStation sebelumnya PS3 yang lebih sukses pada penjualan game dengan versi digital yang tersedia di PlayStation Network. Saat ini memang hampir di negara mana saja, pengguna dari PlayStation 3 lebih memilih men-download data dari pada harus membelinya di toko sebagai sebuah perangkat keras. Hal ini bukan berarti semua pemain selalu ingin mendapatkan game dengan tampilan software, ada juga yang menginginkannya dalam bentuk CD, namun hanya dalam jumlah yang kecil saja.

Seperti sebuah kutipan perbincangan yang didapat dari berbagai sumber, "Kami akan menggeser platform PS4 lebih ke sisi digital, yang berarti akan membuatnya mirip seperti PS Vita karena setiap game akan tersedia lewat digital download, dan beberapa juga akan tersedia dalam bentuk fisik," jelas Presiden dari Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida dalam wawancaranya dengan TheGuardian.

Game-game dari PlayStation 4 sendiri dapat dipastikan kalau akan memiliki ukuran yang sangat besar dan tentu akan memakan banyak sekali space kosong di hardisk. Jika memang rumor ini benar-benar akan terjadi maka dapat dipastikan kemungkinan yang terjadi pada PlayStation 3 belum tentu juga akan terjadi pada PS4. Hal tersebut dikarenakan tentu lebih mudah mendapatkannya pada CD dibandingkan dengan data download. Tempat penyimpanan tentu juga tidak akan berkurang banyak karena semua tersimpan pada CD. Namun kita lihat saja, bagaimana Sony menyikapi rumor tersebut.

Brought to you by Nyit-Nyit.Net!

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